Sponsored Programs Finance Administration and Compliance

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Hiring Unclassified Personnel on a Sponsored Program

Hiring on a sponsored project can begin once notification of award/funding is received.  The University administration and the UL System Board of Supervisors must first approve all new professional staff positions and personnel.  Even if funds are available for a new staff position in the sponsored program budget, you must follow proper procedures to fill the position.  This process may take a month or more, so you should allocate sufficent time.   Detailed information for creating, advertising, and appointment of position can be found in the Staff Handbook.

Step 1: Draft a request for a new position and a suggested vacancy notice.

  • The Dean, Provost, and relevant Vice President must sign and approve a hard copy of the request for the position.
  • The request is then sent to the Vice President for Administration and Finance for approval and then to the President.

Step 2: The President approves and routes the request to the EEO Office to receive an EEO number.  Once this number is assigned, it must be on all correspondence pertaining to this position.

  • A hard copy of the vacancy notice must be approved by the EEO Director, then forwarded to the Office of Academic Planning and Faculty Development.
  • The EEO Office will notify you to send the e-file copy of the Vacancy Notice to eeo@louisiana.edu.
  • The posting date and the date the posting is to be pulled must be included in this e-mail.
  • Be aware that the minimun poisting time is 5 business days on the UL website only.

*****If you wish to place  your vacancy ad in journals, newspapers, or any other off-campus publications/websites, it is the responsibility of the department to include the text and cost of the proposed ad in your request to have the position approved.  (Ads cannot be charged to your sponsored project).  Your 'ad copy' must be sent to the EEO Office for approval.  Once you receive the approval for your ads, you can send this material, along with your purchase requisition to the Purchasing Office.

Step 3: After all interviews are complete, you must transmit the names and e-mail address of all applications to the EEO Office at eeo@louisiana.edu.  If an applicant does not have an e-mail address, please send their home address on a label.

Step 4: You can now make an offer to the candidate.  Please have the candidate complete and sign the "Background Screening Notification and Authorization Form" and provide the candidate with the "A Summary of Your Rights Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act", which is attached to the form.  This form is available on the HR website.

Step 5: Fill out an Appointment Form.  The Appointment Form requires the following signatures:

  • The party that recommended employment
  • EEO Officer
  • Director, Academic Planning and Faculty Development
  • Dean/Director
  • Appropriate Vice President
  • President

*****A position may not be filled without approval of the President.  Applicants may not begin working in a position until after the correct procedures have been followed and approval has been given for an offical appointment date.

Step 6: Copies of the approved Appointment  Form are returned to all parties involved from the Academic Vice President/Vice President for Research.

Step 7: An EEO Final Report From will be sent to you and must be completed and returned to the EEO Officer within 10 working days after receipt.

For additional information, contact the EEO office at eeo@louisiana.edu.