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Securing Professional Services on a Sponsored Program

Contract for Professional Services

This form should not be used to secure services of UL Lafayette employees.

The Professional Services Contract should be used for technical or unique functions performed by companies, independent contractors or consultants. 

  • Authority to contract with a consultant must be specified in the project budget, or the funding agency must have otherwise given formal approval.
  • For contracts above $20,000 the request will be sent by the Purchasing Office to the Office of Contractual Review in Baton Rouge. This lengthens the time considerably for processing the contract.

To process a Professional Services Contract over $1,000, submit a Purchase Requisition, with the required approvals and include the following:

  • A proposal submitted by the vendor outling scope of work to be performed, along with a description of performace measures, deliverables and a payment schedule.  The proposed start and end dates should also be included on the proposal.
  • The contractor's FEIN or social security number (if individual).
  • The name and title of the individual (if a company) that will be signing the contract.

The Purchasing Office will contact you when the contract is complete.  Contact their office for additional information.

Payment to Contractor

After the contract has been approved and payments are due the contractor, the PI should use a Partial Delivery Receiving Report(may be obtained from the Purchasing Office).  It is the sole responsibility of the PI to submit this form for payment when appropriate.

   UL Lafayette Purchasing Department - Professional Services Contracts