Sponsored Programs Finance Administration and Compliance

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ULink Research Accounts

Your financial reports are available through the University's ULINK system.  If you have problems accessing your account, contact Sam Bullard in Information Systems at 482-6444.

  1. Log in to ULINK.
  2. Select the 'Employee' tab.
  3. Under Financial Services, select 'Statement of Account by Department (Ledger)'.
  4. At Fiscal Year Beginning, enter the fiscal year.  Our fiscal year is from July 1 to June 30.
  5. At the Department Code box, enter your account number, replacing the 'R' with a zero '0'.  For example, if your account number is R1234. type in 01234. 
  6. At the Month box, enter YYYYMM format (201102 for February 2011).

You may access your account at any time during the month for current activity.  The monthly finances are closed by the 10th of the following month, except in June, which may not officially close until the end of July.



University of Louisiana at Lafayette




ONLY authorized users can run the Statement of Account



Fiscal year beginning:

Department code:



Enter the month to view (defaults to current month):


Month (yyyymm):