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Guidelines and Forms for Proposed New Centers

Guidelines and Forms for Proposed New Centers, Institutes, and Other Similar Academic/Research Units

Approval of Proposed New Centers, Institutes, and Other Similar Academic/Research Units is vested under the authority of the Louisiana Board of Regents Division of Academic and Student Affairs.

Form A (PDF) - Request for Conditional Approval for a New, Non-State Funds Supported Academic/Research Unit

Form B (PDF) - Request for Approval of a Previously Registered, Non-State Funds Supported Academic/Research Unit or Request for Approval of a New, State Funds Supported Academic/Research Unit

A. These guidelines pertain to proposals for centers, institutes, and other similar academic/research units, both intra- and inter-institutional. Separate guidelines for proposed academic administrative units are currently being developed. Proposed units which are projected to serve a purely service function unrelated to any administrative or research purpose do not need to seek Board of Regents' approval. For example, a Center for Advancement of Teaching and Learning which provides opportunities for general faculty development would be considered a service unit; however, if such a unit is part of concentrated faculty research effort exclusively associated with teacher education programs, then thu unit would bu considered an academic and research unit. Any question as to whether a proposed unit is or is not academic/research in function should be discussed with the staff of the Division of Academic Affairs.

B. The following characteristics shall apply to proposed research centers or institutes:


Organized and structured around a well-defined, highly focused, interdisciplinary research effort. The primary purpose of a center is to conduct research, but closely related academic or public service activities may also be included. Typically resides within an existing academic unit (College, Department. etc.) and reports to the head of that unit, but may cross college lines and report to a senior academic officer. Not directly involved in the offering of courses for credit or degree programs. May serve as a formalized link between the academic community and the professional community. Should0facilitate efforts of the institution to attract external funding for related research.


Organized and structured around a broad-ranging, interdisciplinary research effort. The primary purpose of an institute is to conduct research and associated instruction, but closely related academic or public service activities may also be included. Typically an autonomous unit which reports directly to an academic dean or chief academic/research officer. May serve as a formalized link between the academic community and the professional community. May independently offer courses for credit and/or degree programs. Should facilitate efforts of the institution to attract external funding for related research.

C. Procedures for application of a new academic/research unit shall vary depending on the funding sources for the new unit:

1) If the proposed academic/reseqrch unit is to be funded with non-state funds, the affected institution must register with the Board of Regents the formation of such a unit within 30 days after creation (download Form A - Reporting of Plans to Establish q New, Non-State Funds Supported Academic/Research Unit). For the purposes of these Guidelines only, “non-state funds” shall include monies obtained through:

a. Matching Commitments from Internal Reallocations;
b. Federal Grant/Governmental Agencies/Departments;
c. Private Business/Industry;
d. Private Non-Profit Agencies; and
e. Regents' Sponsored Programs (Support Fund, CITAL, Health Excellence, etc.)

In such cases, the staff and/or the Board of Regents shall consider a period of conditional approval for up to one year. Upon expiration of the period of conditional approval, the affected institution will be required to submit a full proposal for consideration. If an institution fails to submit the required full proposal by the date specified, the0conditionally approved unit shall cease to exist. For submission of a full proposal, requirements stipulated in 2. below shall apply.

2) If the proposed academic/research unit is to be funded through state funds, the~ a full proposal for Board of Regents' approval of this unit must be filed and considered prior to establishment (download Form B - Approval of a New State Funds Supported Academic/Research Unit).

Factors that will be considered in assessing proposals for new academic/research units which require state funds include, but are not limited to:

(a) The role, scope, and mission of the institution;
(b) Need;
(c) Purpose and objectives;
(d) Resources;
(e) Administrative plan; and
(f) Five-year budget plan.

D. Upon approval of a full proposal for a new academic/research unit, the Regents shall provide for a period of approval (typically three to five years). If the affected institution proposes to maintain this unit beyond the period of Regents' approval, it must submit a request to the Board of Regents containing a justification for continuation. This report shall address briefly all requirements of Form B. If a request for continuation is not submitted or if the Board of0Regents denies such a request, the unit shall cease to exist.

E. Proposal Format

1. Description -

a) Provide a description and set of objectives for the proposed unit.
b) Correlate objectives of the proposed unit with the role, scope, and mission of the institution.

2. Need -

a) Provide a rationale of need for the proposed unit.
b) Has a similar and/or related unit been offered by the institution previously? ( If the answer to this questions is “yes,” provide reasons for the termination of this unit.)
c) If this unit is approved, will its approval result in the termination of phasing out of an existing unit?
d) If applying for a new research unit, does a similar or closely related structure exist at any other state university/college? If so, what are the distinguishing characteristics of the proposed unit as compared to the existing unit? What, if any, level of coordination/cooperation is anticipated between these units?

3. Faculty -

a) List the present faculty members who will be assigned to or work directly within the proposed new unit. Please provide vitae (the abbreviated vitae form required for Support Fund Initiative proposals is acceptable).
b) Describe involvement of faculty, present and projected, in research, extension and other activities and the relationship of these activities to unit operations. Please include the percentage of time to be allocated for each affected faculty member by assignment category.

4. Facilities and Equipment -

a) Describe existing facilities (classrooms, laboratories, offices, etc.) available for the proposed unit.
b) Indicate the need for new facilities, such as special buildings, laboratories, minor construction, remodeli~g, and fixed equipment. If special facilities and equipment will be needed, estimate cost and indicate proposed sources for financing.

5. Administration -

a) Provide an administrative structure for the proposed unit, including reporting lines. Will the proposed unit significantly affected the present administrative structure of the campus? If so, please explain.

6. Budget Plan -

a) Provide an estimated budget for the proposed unit during the proposed period of operations (up to five years), including major areas of expenditure and sources of funding.
b) If additional funds other than those projected to be available are necessary to ensure adequate funding, please indicate prospects for obtaining these needed funds.