Procedures for Processing the Purchase Requisition Form
A Purchase Requisition form should be used when purchasing materials and equipment and when contracting a subrecipient or private firm for services. Special Note: In the case of a contract with a private firm, the Purchasing Office will will send a contract to the individual submitting the Purchase Requisition for review and completion. See Administrative Services to obtain required forms.
To process the Purchase Requisition:
- Enter the Department, Account Number, Contact Person, Telephone Extension, and Date at the top of the requisition.
- In the Description section, enter the item number (in sequence, beginning with "1"), quantity and complete specifications of item or items. Describe each item in detail. Enter the catalog number and trade name, if known. (A detailed specification will effect better competitive bids and insure the purchase of the quality merchandise desired and/or will serve as a basis for rejecting merchandise delivered not meeting the specifications.)
- Enter the unit price, amount, and amount total.
- Enter the general purpose for the item(s).
- List a names and addresses of vendors. List one (1) source for total expenditures up to $1000, three (3) for total expenditure from $1000 to $5000, and five (5) or more for total expenditure over $5000 except if state contract.
- The PI should sign the requisition in the "Head of Department" section. Leave enough space for the Department Head's signature.
- Route to Department Head and Dean for approvals. If the PI is part of a Center that reports directly to the Vice President for Research, Innovation, and Economic Development, his signature is required instead.
- Computer equipment and software requisitions will also be routed to the Chief Information Office for approval.
- Once SPFAC approves the requisition, it will be forwarded to the Purchasing Office.