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Grant Opportunities for Academic Liaison with Industry (GOALI)

Tue, 05/21/2013 - 3:38pm -- david
National Science Foundation

The topics addressed in a GOALI proposal should address research within an intellectual envelope shared by the industrial partner. Fundamental research generally is performed in academe in parallel with more applied research in industry. Investigators are expected to integrate their research objectives with educational and industrial needs. Industry involvement assures that the research is industrially relevant. The GOALI program emphasizes improving industry-university research linkages in the design and implementation of products and processes. The research should strengthen the fundamental scientific and engineering foundations on which new design and production practices and methods are based. This emphasis aims to improve basic understanding and the development of integrated design tools in both academe and industry. The length of support requested should be appropriate to the purpose and may vary. Industry participation in the research and education projects is required for collaborative work at industrial sites. However, industrial organizations may partner in research awards for projects performed in universities. Proposals may include participation by a "third partner" such as one of the National Labs or a non-profit organization. A co-investigator or co-advisor from industry is required in a collaborative project or industrial fellowship/traineeship. This provides relevance for the research effort through the active participation of industry in the design and implementation. Due: Proposals Accepted Anytime. Contact the appropriate disciplinary program office to obtain information about current deadline dates.

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