Funding Notice - Psychology

   Gene-Environment Interplay in Substance Use Disorders
   Healthy Habits: Timing for Developing Sustainable Healthy Behaviors in Children and Adolescents
   Opportunity for Breakthroughs in Fundamental Basic Research
   RFA-CA-14-008--Using Social Media to Understand and Address Substance Use and Addiction
   RFA-CA-14-008--Using Social Media to Understand and Address Substance Use and Addiction
   Mechanisms of Behavior Change in the Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorders
   Substance Use and Abuse, Risky Decision Making and HIV/AIDS
   Autism Research Initiative -- Explorer Award
   National Institute of Nursing Research/NIH/DHHS: Healthy Habits: Timing for Developing Sustainable Healthy Behaviors in Children and Adolescents
   Behavioral and Social Science Research on Understanding and Reducing Health Disparities
   MacArthur (John D. & Catherine T.) Foundation: Population and Reproductive Health Grants
   Research on the Health of LGBTI Populations
   National Center for Responsible Gaming: Seed Grants
   National Center for Responsible Gaming: Exploration Grants
   Foundation for the Scientific Study of Sexuality: Grants-in-Aid
   Substance Use and Abuse, Risky Decision Making and HIV/AIDS
   RFA-HL-12-037--Mechanistic Pathways Linking Psychosocial Stress and Behavior (R01)
   Social Neuroscience and Neuroeconomics of Aging
   Healthy Habits: Timing for Developing Sustainable Healthy Behaviors in Children and Adolescents
   PAR-11-314--Systems Science and Health in the Behavioral and Social Sciences


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