IRB Resources
IRBManager Online Submission for Applications to Use Information from Humans in Research
The IRB online application submission system in IRBManager is ready for use. Below are links to instructions. Contact Robin Broussard if you need assistance.
What type of IRB review do I need?
Login Instructions and Dashboard Overview
IRBManager Tips and Tricks - navigating your dashboard
Application Tips and Tricks -navigating your application
Creating a Modification of an Approved Application
Adding a Collaborator to Assist with Application Writing
Checking Application Review Status
Entering an Annual Check-In or Project Completion Form
Safe Face to Face Human Subjects Research
Researchers who plan to engage human subjects for research involving in-person interactions will need to describe methods for sanitizing any equipment used with or by participants in their applications. The information needs to include thorough assessment of risks, and description of safety plans (social distancing via time and space, mask wearing, disinfection of equipment, or declining participants who have indectous displaying signs of infectious disease, as appropriate). Monkey Pox - Disinfect research equipment used by human participants with 70% ethanol or higher for at least 30 seconds between particpants. If this won't work with your equipment, contact Robin Broussard for additional help.
Data Collection and Storage
Google Forms and Google Drive cannot be used.
The Google Drive Terms of Service specifically states it cannot be used for business. In addition the Google Privacy Policy states, "We also collect the content you create, upload, or receive from others when using our services. This includes things like email you write and receive, photos and videos you save, docs and spreadsheets you create, and comments you make on YouTube videos." This does not align with keeping information confidential; which is a requirement for human subject research.
Qualtrics and OneDrive can be used.
UL Lafayette provides access to Qualtrics for survey and form creation and OneDrive for secure storage of electronic files that can be accessed from Home or Office. The owner of the file can share the file with any designated University person. These are the University's prefered methods of the data collection and electronic storage. Flash drives, portable hard drives, laptops or home computers should not be used to store data. Data stored in these devices or on home computers is more likely to lost or stolen than data stored in computers that remain on campus or accessed via OneDrive or VPN. To learn more about these resources, see the IT help page on OneDrive or request a Qualtrics account. Contact the IRB if you cannot adhere to these standards. Justification for the deviation will be required.
Working with Outside Collaborators
No need for duplicate IRB review if your collaborator's IRB has a Federalwide Assurance and already reviewed the proposal. Contact the Office of Research Integrity (337-482-1419 or to see if you need a reliance agreement.
IRB Information for Graduate Students
Useful Links
Am I doing Human Subjects Research NIH Questionnaire? Note - determinations of "exempt from federal regulations" must be made by the IRB. Please submit an application.
Subjects with Questionable Capacity to Consent
Research with Vulnerable Populations
Guidance for de-identifying data
Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP)
OHRP Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Current Federal Policies for the Protection of Human Subjects
OHRP Guidelines for Research on Stem and Germ Cells
Federal Office of Research Integrity
Guide to Handling Scientific Misconduct
International Compilation of Human Subject Protections (2010)